Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Lets get to know me

Ok I am not usually good at doing blogs but I think I would like to keep one up. I am a stay at home mom to one. I have a almost nine month old named Ethan, and he is the love of my life. The only one that can come near him is my wonderful husband Zach. I have been with him since I was 15 and I love hum so very much and could not imagine my life without him.

I am not a very exciting person by no means but I like me. I enjoy knitting very much as you may be able to tell by my name. I also enjoy puzzles and antiques which is why I was seen as an old lady when I was in high school and well am still today. I dont like going out and partying its just not my thing I like going out dont get me wrong but I live in the south and well the only thing to do arround here is go out to the woods with everyone from 12 year olds to 30 year olds and get drunk and high. You can see how this would be a situation you would not want to get into. I am pretty sure that I am not supposed to live in the south. Yet here I am and my family is here so I guess I can deal with it.

I am not sure who would want to read about my knitting or my life but I guess someone out there might. If anyone has questions/comments or what have you feel free to say so, or if you just want to tell me about your blogg.

Untill next time....

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